Image Pre-Processing ==================== Documentation of ricebowl image preprocessing. To use this simply do from ricebowl.processing import data_preproc and then use each function with image_preproc. read_image ^^^^^^^^^^ Reads a single image from the path. Parameters- Path of the image Output- Image Usage:: img=read_img('path of the image') show_image ^^^^^^^^^^ Displays the image with a customized title. Parameters- Image, title(optional; Default-'img') Output- Image (Press any key to continue/exit) Usage:: img=show_image(img,title='my_title') write_image ^^^^^^^^^^^ Writes the image at a given path location with the customized name. Parameters- Path+, Image Output- Image at the given location saved. (Please note: Checks for have not been added. Same name will cause conflict) Usage:: img=write_image('./foldername/image.png', img) inverting ^^^^^^^^^ Inverts an image (Converts to negative) Parameters- Image Output- Inverted Image Usage:: img=inverting(img) gray_scale ^^^^^^^^^^ Converts an image to grayscale Parameters- Image Output- Gray-Scale Image Usage:: img=gray_scale(img) resize ^^^^^^ Resizes an image keeping the aspect ratio constant Parameters- Image, Width, Height Output- Resized Image Usage:: img=resize(img, 100, 300) gaussian_blurring ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Blurs an image using gaussian blurring. Parameters- Image, Kernel(Optional; Default- (21,21) Output- Blurred Image Usage:: img=gaussian_blurring(img, ksize=(21,21)) orb_features ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Extracts features in the passed image Parameters- Image Output- Feature extracted image, Descriptor Matrix Usage:: img,desc=orb_features(img) get_images ^^^^^^^^^^ Returns the array data of images and their labels (entire path) Parameters- Path of the folder containing all images Output- Data Matrix, Label array Usage:: data,labels=get_images('./path') dcm_to_png ^^^^^^^^^^ Converts .dcm images to .png format (from the entire folder to another folder) Parameters- Path of folder with input images in .dcm format, Path of folder to write the .png format Output- Images written in the output folder. (Added print command showing how many images are written.) Usage:: dcm_to_png('./input_folder_path/','./output_folder_path/') denoise ^^^^^^^ Removing noise from a colored Image Parameters- Input Image (colored) Output- Noise removed image Usage:: img=denoise(img) binarization ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Converting an image to binary using Otsu Thresholding Parameters- Input Image Output- Black and white image Usage:: img=binarization(img) erode ^^^^^ General function to erode text in Image (Performs morphological transformation - erosion) Parameters- Input Image Output- Eroded image Usage:: img=erode(img) find_contours ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Finding contours of an image Parameters- Input Image Output- Array of image contours Usage:: img=find_contours(img) sharpen ^^^^^^^ Sharpens an image Parameters- Input Image Output- Sharpened image Usage:: img=sharpen(img) edging ^^^^^^ Finding edges of an image (canny) Parameters- Input Image Output- Edges are outlined in the image Usage:: img=edging(img) autorotate ^^^^^^^^^^ Auto rotating an image according to the degree of skewness identified Parameters- Input Image Output- De-skewed image Usage:: img=autorotate(img) image_enhancer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ General function to adjust the image's contrast Parameters- Input Image Output- Image with increased contrast Usage:: img=image_enhancer(img) remove_shadow ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ General function to remove shadows from image Parameters- Input Image Output- Image with shadows removed Usage:: img=remove_shadow(img)